Meet Daria Weber, a true cat hero who has made the world a better place for thousands of cats in the Everglades area.
For the past 11 years as a volunteer with Caring Fields Felines, she has Trapped, Neutered, Vaccinated and Returned (TNVR) over 5,000 feral cats. Founded by Pauline Glover, Caring Fields Felines is a no-kill cat rescue organization in Palm City, Florida. They re-home unwanted cats, provide medical care, and by administering TNVR, help to control the feral cat population.
For now, Daria’s most urgent mission is to prevent an explosion in the cat population in the April and May breeding months called “Kitten Season.” No small feat when considering the numbers.
According to SPAY USA, one unspayed female cat and her mate plus ALL their offspring (2 litters a year for 9 years) could produce succeeding generations amounting to over 11 million cats.
While Daria’s Weber TNVR work is making a difference in Martin County, Florida, cat populations are exploding in the rural 441 Corridor of Lake Okeechobee. Residents there are challenged by a lack of resources to pay for spay and neutering their pets.
With the support of The Pegasus Foundation, Daria, along with another independent rescuer Tracy Campbell, plan to provide TNVR services this Spring to Lake Okeechobee residents, along with resources and information on the importance of pet sterilization.
The Pegasus Foundation is proud to support Daria Weber’s incredible “claws-on-the-ground” work in addressing feline overpopulation.